Women in Leadership (WIL) presents: Creating a Culture of Compassion, India's Tech Hub

Raghu Rajagopal, Srinivas Sangyam and others representing TTEC India's Tech Hub will share attributes of compassion, share testimonials and personal stories about how they've been a part of creating a culture of compassion and how our leaders continue to bring humanity to the business.
It goes without saying that the pandemic has been challenging for everyone and so many have faced added stressors. We've all had to navigate new situations, including loss. Being compassionate goes a long way. The team will talk a little about challenges and how they've been addressing them as well.
It's normal to experience stress, frustration, fear, excitement, anger and a myriad of other emotions. The easier it is for people to feel heard, the easier it is to talk about and normalize. The driving force behind compassion is the motivation to relieve someone else's suffering. You know that saying, you never know what someone else is going through?
As I had the chance to listen to some of the testimonials from the team, what I took away from it is; this team is doing a wonderful job making people feel heard, valued, supported and appreciated. I like to think of it as a ripple effect and one act of kindness or compassion as it were, encourages another and even, can inspire greatness. While altruism isn't the same as compassion, it’s the idea that we value the experiences of others, are concerned about them and are selfless which contrasts egoism.
A little goes a long way, and perhaps the dreamer in me, or perhaps the dreamer in you, hopes we, the grand universal we, continue to grow towards a positive trajectory and we do this through knowledge. I sometimes ask myself the question - is this compassion, altruism or ego? There are many resources on the internet including educational courses. In some of my reading, I came across The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education offered by Stanford Medicine.
Here are just a few possible acts of compassion. Can you think of a way you were compassionate recently? Feel free to share!
- Volunteer or donate
- Meditate
- Encourage someone else
- Be compassionate with yourself
- Check in with people and really listen
- Help someone out, in simple ways like helping to clean up, make dinner, or help with a work related task
TTEC team members, I hope you'll join us to learn more and hear some amazing stories on Wednesday, August 18 at 9 a.m. MST! Head to Mosaic: Register here!
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