TTEC Salutes You in Honor of Veterans Day

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Armistice Day (aka, Veterans Day) on November 11, 1919 as a day to reflect on the heroism of those who died in our country's service. It falls on Nov. 11 because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. Then in 1954, the holiday was changed to "Veterans Day" to honor all veterans in all wars.
As we reflect on the meaning and purpose of Veterans Day, we asked our veteran heroes within TTEC, “What does service to your country mean to you?” Their responses all carried a common theme, inspiring us to Lead Every Day and to Act as One. Check out this video and below learn more about their insights.
Laura F. - U.S. Army Veteran
Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition, TTEC
“I remember sitting in my history class watching 9/11 happen, and in those moments, I knew exactly what I was going to do after high school. I joined the Army at 17 and still to this day I feel it was the best decision I have ever made. Being in the service taught me so much and pointed me down the right path for my life. Serving one’s country is the greatest of honors, you are protecting this great country to allow your fellow American’s to have the best chance they can in life. We are teaching our children that anything is possible and we want the best for them, we are paving the way for them to be amazing!
Kip J. – U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
VP, Chief Information Security Officer, Global Information Security, TTEC
“Service in the military is writing a blank check with your life in the effort of being part of an organization that is dedicated in protecting the place where I have my family and preserving our way of life.”
Amber R - U.S. Army Veteran and Military Spouse
Director, Business Development, TTEC
“Service to me, means never leaving anyone on your team behind and always seeking first to understand. Service is the cornerstone of being a good team member, leader and business partner.”
Pat R. – U.S. Navy Veteran
Solutions Engineer, TTEC
“Serving in the military meant doing something most people aren’t willing to do. It’s where I found purpose and gained perspective.”
We salute Veterans across the world for their courage, loyalty and patriotism this Veterans Day.
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