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Celebrating Voices: TTEC Familia, An Employee Resource Group for Latinos and Hispanics

Celebrating Voices: TTEC Familia, An Employee Resource Group for Latinos and Hispanics


TTEC Familia is our new Employee Resource Group (ERG) which strives to build a community, raise cultural awareness, and create opportunities for personal and professional growth for Latinos and Hispanics in the company. Its establishment is one of many diversity initiatives in the workplace for TTEC and reflects our acknowledgement of the colorful tapestry woven by our Latino and Hispanic team members and a celebration of their potential.

TTEC has several diversity and inclusion Employee Resource Groups already, and Familia takes the company a step further in embodying a workplace with fair representation. True diversity is about giving everyone a voice that resonates. The creation of TTEC Familia is more than just an initiative; it’s a commitment to cultural celebration, empowerment, and fostering an environment where every member can aspire and achieve.

Enrique Guevara Iniquez (Executive Director for Operations in the US) and Daniela Alvarez (Employee Engagement Senior Analyst in Mexico) are part of the Core Team Members leading the way for TTEC Familia and share why this amazing new ERG matters so much to them and the company.

Personal Passions: The Heart Behind Familia

“This ERG resonates with me on a deeply personal level,” shares Enrique. “It's a reflection of my personal journey – from my roots in vibrant Mexico to the global experiences that have shaped me. TTEC Familia is a beacon of possibility for everyone looking to bridge cultures while pursuing career growth. Through this group, we’re making a bold statement for Latinos and Hispanics: Si se puede (Yes, we can), a mantra transformed into tangible success stories. With Familia, we can carve out a space for our passionate, spirited community to connect, prosper, and impact TTEC in profound ways.”

For Daniela, this new Employee Resource group is essential: “Among our different diversity initiatives in the workplace, TTEC Familia is crucial to me personally because this allows us to bring our unique perspective on business and work culture to the forefront. As a Latina, I understand the passion, dedication, and joy we infuse into our work.”

Shaping Futures: The Goal of TTEC Familia

This ERG will strive to celebrate the heritage of Latinos and Hispanics, foster a culture of inclusivity and belonging, and of course drive professional and personal growth for all.

Enrique shares, “As I dare to dream of what TTEC Familia could become, I picture an exuberant community where each member finds their unique voice and path to success. Through active mentorship, cultural celebrations, and professional development, we can create a thriving ecosystem for Latinos and Hispanics within TTEC that amplifies their skills and talents.”

Elaborating, Daniela says “The ERG could organize skill-building workshops, leadership development programs, language classes, cultural awareness training, and opportunities for cross-department collaboration. These can all drive professional growth for all members. Additionally, it could serve as a platform to advocate for diverse representation in leadership positions.”

“I see a tapestry of Latino and Hispanic employees,” Enrique continues, “alongside allies from every walk of life, connected by a desire to uplift and a readiness to contribute. TTEC Familia can create a thriving ecosystem within TTEC that values and elevates each person.”

A Step Towards Real Community

TTEC Familia serves as another way for us to come together and empower each other to connect with, inspire, and support our community.

Enrique: “The message that resonates from the birth of TTEC Familia is ‘We see you; we honor you.’ This ERG is a resounding affirmation of TTEC's investment in inclusion. The collective voice of Latinos and Hispanics has been invited to the table, and it's a transformative opportunity. We can now better have a hand in actively crafting a work environment where every perspective enriches our employee experience.”

Daniela concludes, “TTEC recognizes the importance of representation, creating a sense of belonging for all employees regardless of background. It's like saying, ‘We see you, and we've got your back.’ Familia demonstrates TTEC's acknowledgment of the unique needs and experiences of Latinos and Hispanics and shows the company's proactive efforts to create an inclusive environment where every individual can thrive.”

Be Part of Familia; Be Part of TTEC

It’s an exciting time for Latinos and Hispanics in our company. TTEC Familia, the latest of our diversity and inclusion Employee Resource Groups, is writing a new chapter for our community. It's more than an ERG; it's a movement, a celebration, a passion. In the embrace of Familia, we aren’t just colleagues. We’re allies, advocates, and friends. Together, we'll cultivate a workplace that reflects our shared dreams and aspirations, infused with the warmth and richness of our different but similarly shared cultures. Welcome to Familia.

Learn more about TTEC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives here.

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